2025 Spring Continuous Open Bidding (COB)
The University of Arizona Panhellenic Council participates in Continuous Open Bidding (COB) during the fall and spring. COB is an informal recruitment process in which chapters that do not reach their total quota of members provide additional opportunities for women to join outside of primary recruitment. Not all 13 chapters participate in COB, so check @ArizonaPanhellenic on Instagram to learn what chapters are participating!
If you are interested in joining the Greek community through COB, fill out the interest form below! We will soon announce the participating chapters!

Please read this webpage in its entirety.
The 2024 Fall Primary Recruitment Registration is officially closed.
For all recruitment-related questions, please email uapanhellenic.recruitment@gmail.com. We are currently experiencing a high volume of emails, please allow 72 hours for a response.
Click here to watch the 2024 Parent and Family Orientation Zoom Recording.
Primary Recruitment
Panhellenic Council hosts primary recruitment each Fall Semester. It is an opportunity to visit each participating Panhellenic sorority on the Arizona campus. Potential New Members (PNMs) will meet every chapter and learn what each has to offer. As the week continues, PNMs will visit fewer chapters and will make a final decision by selecting the right group for them.
Registration begins on May 1st and has a $130 registration fee. Registration closes August 16th at 11:59pm.
To ensure a PNM shirt in your size be sure to register by July 21st!
The registration fee is non-refundable. Registering for recruitment does not guarantee that each PNM will get a bid. Registration will be completed through Campus Director, linked here. It can also be accessed by searching Campus Director and selecting University of Arizona Panhellenic.
If the Primary Recruitment process is not for you, there is always the opportunity to participate in Continuous Open Bidding (COB), which is the informal recruitment process that takes place after primary recruitment and during the Spring semester. Participating in this process also does not guarantee a bid, and not all chapters participate in COB. The Fall 2024 COB Interest Form is linked here.
Table of Contents
Registration Process Overview
Registration for Primary Recruitment is done through the Campus Director platform, linked here: https://arizonapanhellenic.mycampusdirector2.com/landing/ . Once you create your account, you will be tasked with answering questions to better help the Panhellenic Executive Board and each of the chapters get to know you better. (Make a note of your log-in email and password, you will use it often throughout the summer and the recruitment process!) These questions include simple demographic type questions as well as some open ended questions about yourself. Registration will be completed once the registration fee has been paid (this $130 registration fee is non-refundable).
As a PNM, you will also need to upload a short video answering a few questions about yourself, although it does not need to be completed before you register for recruitment. Check out the directions. After completing the registration form and paying the registration fee, you can come back into your Campus Director account at any time in order to add in your PNM video link or take a look at your registration and make any necessary updates. Set 1 will be determined based on the registration questions and PNM video, so it is important to pay attention and give it your best. You have until August 16th to get your PNM video done, but we recommend working on it early so you can relax and enjoy your summer without stress of one more thing you have to do.
To ensure a PNM shirt in your size be sure to register by July 21st!
Here’s a tip: Don’t rush through the registration process, wait until you have time to sit down and read each question carefully! Good luck and we will see you in the Fall!
2024 PNM Guide is here! Click here to check it out!
Set 1/PNM Video Guidance
Set 1 videos (also called PNM Videos) are short videos introducing oneself to the chapters to help them get to know you better.
PNMs will get to watch each chapter’s video and make their selections based on what is shared in those videos. Chapters will watch all of the PNM videos and review the questions answered on the registration form to make their selections. Because of their high importance, PNM videos are mandatory. Videos do not have to be completed when you complete your Campus Director registration, however they must be uploaded by August 16th at 11:59pm. If you have concerns about making a video, please reach out to uapanhellenic.recruitment@gmail.com
There are in-depth guidelines. Looking for more guidance? The Panhellenic Executive Board and Recruitment Counselors have also created mock videos.
The due date for PNM videos is August 16th by 11:59pm. Video links can be uploaded through your Campus Director account after you register for recruitment.
2024 Primary Recruitment Schedule
The Panhellenic Council is excited to announce the dates and format of Fall Primary Recruitment!
- PNM Orientation – Sunday, August 25th
- Set I* – Open House – Monday, August 26th – Tuesday, August 27th - watch informational videos of all sororities on campus.
- Set II – Philanthropy – Friday, August 30th (Half Day) – Saturday, August 31st - visit up to 10 Panhellenic organizations between the two dates.
- Set III – Sisterhood - Sunday, September 1st (Half Day) – Monday, September 2nd - visit up to 6 Panhellenic organizations.
- Set IV – Preference – Saturday, September 7th - visit up to 2 Panhellenic organizations.
- Bid Day – Sunday, September 8th - potentially receive a bid and attend a celebratory event with your new chapter.
* Virtual Events: Set I will take place through the Desire 2 Learn (D2L) platform.
If you have any scheduling conflicts with the 2024 Primary Recruitment Schedule, please fill out the following form. The deadline to complete the 2024 Primary Recruitment Schedule Conflict Form is Friday, August 9th and if you have additional questions, please contact uapanhellenic.operations@gmail.com.
GPA and Academic Expectations
Chapter GPA Requirements
While there is no required GPA to register for recruitment, the Panhellenic Council strongly suggests a minimum 3.0 core high school GPA. The recommended college GPA for those with 12+ college units is a 2.75. Most chapters internally require a 3.0 core GPA from high school but requirements vary, so please refer to The Bond or the specific sorority chapter profiles.
The University of Arizona requires Panhellenic to calculate GPA using the ABOR core competency requirements. This is the same calculation used by the university to determine admittance. Thus, PNM GPA is calculated using grades from your first six semesters of high school unweighted, or your cumulative college GPA per the ABOR Course Competencies. Find more information about the ABOR core competency requirements.
If you wish to include your 12th grade GPA, you must submit this update to the Panhellenic Council to recalculate your ABOR core competency GPA. If you wish to submit your 12th-grade transcripts, please send a copy of your transcript to uapanhellenic.operations@gmail.com by August 16th 11:59pm with the subject line "[first name] [last name] transcript".
Per FERPA regulations, Panhellenic is not able to share information about this topic with parents, but we are more than happy to speak with PNMs about their GPA.
Grade Explanation Form
If you are participating in Primary Recruitment and do not meet the recommended GPA, you may fill out the grade explanation form if you experienced extenuating circumstances that negatively impacted your GPA throughout high school or college. Completion of this form does not excuse PNMs from GPA requirements but is meant to provide a more holistic profile of PNMs. These forms will be reviewed by the Panhellenic Executive Board and shared with the chapters. The deadline to complete this form is August 21st by 11:59pm.
Letters of Recommendation
Letters of Recommendation or Recruitment Information Forms (REC or RIF) are a chapter alumnae chance to introduce a potential new member (PNM) to a sorority. This allows active members of a sorority chapter to get to know a PNM prior to Primary Recruitment.
There are unique forms to each chapter that are provided by the national organization for their alumnae to fill out on behalf of PNMs. Rules on who writes a letter of REC or RIF varies by organization. These letters are not required, nor do they guarantee you a bid. Each year, women receive bids to join who did not have any letters of recommendation.
Where do I send my letter of recommendation?
Financial Information
One of the requirements of membership is paying dues, either per semester or per year. Dues are set by the chapters themselves and cover a variety of things, such as chapter events/programming, apparel, campus use space, chapter facility upkeep, chapter meal plan, operational costs and materials, among other things. Dues relating to the maintenance of a chapter facility do not apply to all 13 organizations.
Check out the 2024-2025 Financial Transparency Document of each chapter for an idea of sorority costs. You can also email our Vice President of Finance at uapanhellenic.finance@gmail.com if you have any questions about this document.
What to Expect/All You Need to Know
Starting on May 1st, Potential New Members (PNM’s) can register for Fall Formal Recruitment. Registering for recruitment is through the Campus Director website. There, you will be able to upload your required PNM video due before August 16th at 11:59pm. Your PNM video is a short introduction to who you are and it will help chapters to get an idea of who you are. Check out the directions.
To register for recruitment you must pay the recruitment registration fee, the fee is $130 on/before August 16th.
You can expect your Recruitment Counselor (RC) to reach out to you approximately two weeks after you have completed your registration on/or after June 1st. Your RC will be available throughout the Summer months to assist with any questions, concerns, or help you may need. We have directed RC’s to withhold contact until the after June 1st to ensure that everyone finishes out the semester strong, and to allow Potential New Members to focus on the end of their academic year.
Recruitment Counselors
Recruitment Counselors, also known as RCs, are impartial representatives interviewed and selected by the Panhellenic Executive Board to assist PNMs as they navigate through both the recruitment process and their first year as members of the Panhellenic community. These individuals, who have participated in recruitment as a PNM and recruited for their own chapters previously, are completely disaffiliated from their own chapters in order to remain unbiased and provide all Potential New Members with an equitable recruitment experience.
Recruitment Counselors will begin to reach out and introduce themselves to PNMs on or after June 1st. This means if you register for recruitment before June 1st, you will not hear from your RC until at least June 1st. It may take one or two weeks for your RC to reach out to you, so do not worry if you do not hear anything right away. Potential New Members should feel comfortable reaching out to their Recruitment Counselor regarding anything related to the recruitment experience or Greek Life in general. RCs are also a great resource for any questions or concerns regarding the Set I video! By PNM orientation on August 25th, Potential New Members will begin interacting with their "RC Group", which is led by their assigned RC and consists of other PNMs currently going through recruitment. Each "RC Group" will meet regularly throughout the recruitment process to allow PNMs the opportunity to ask questions, receive important information, and bond with individuals going through the same experience. This is an amazing way to make connections and create lasting friendships, even between individuals who do not end up joining the same chapter.
What is a bid/who receives a bid?
A bid is an invitation to join a chapter. A Potential New Member has the opportunity to receive no more than one bid during the Primary Recruitment process. Bids will be extended after the preference round of Primary Recruitment. Receiving a bid is not guaranteed.
Legacy Policies
A legacy is a Potential New Member who has a direct familial relation to an alumnae sorority member, this may include sisters, mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers. Some chapters also consider legacy to be from other relations including aunts, cousins, step, and half family. Being a legacy does NOT guarantee a bid to that chapter.
Legacy policies vary by chapter and some chapters have recently moved to change or dissolve entirely their legacy policies. Learn more information on each chapter’s specific legacy policy. Questions about specific legacy policies should be directed to that chapter's headquarters.
Get Comfortable - What to Wear
The best thing to do as a Potential New Member is to dress comfortably. This will allow you to be authentic when meeting members of the chapters!
Being yourself will maximize your recruitment experience, and aid you in finding the perfect place for you.
As you move through recruitment rounds your attire should increase in formality. Please keep in mind that it will be extremely hot outside.
Set I is videos, wear a neutral non-distracting top. Remember, nobody will see below your waist. We recommend staying away from strapless tops, as you will often not be able to see these in videos.
Set II is in-person. You will receive a Panhellenic Set II short sleeve t-shirt. The shirt will be a unisex white t-shirt, and it is required to wear this shirt. We recommend pairing this with shorts or a casual skirt and sneakers or sandals.
Set III is in-person. At this point, you can switch to a nice blouse with a skirt/pants, or you can opt for a sundress/romper. We recommend sneakers, sandals, or heels.
Set IV is in-person. Preference is the most formal round of Primary Recruitment. During this round, you may be learning about a chapter’s ritual, so dress to respect them. We recommend a dress or nice top/bottom combo with sneakers, sandals, or heels. Think bridal shower or brunch with your grandparents.
No matter the set, the most important thing is to just be comfortable and confident. For Sets II-IV, you will need to be ready for the hot Arizona sun. Pack your sunscreen and dress in whatever will help you be comfortable for long days. You are permitted to bring a change of walking shoes to leave outside chapter facilities. Each chapter will have water jugs outside of their facility, so please make sure you are staying hydrated! You should be drinking A LOT of water during recruitment!
More updates will be posted throughout the summer leading up to recruitment. Check out our Pinterest for outfit inspiration for recruitment, and check out our TikTok and YouTube for our What to Wear videos!
PNM Orientation
PNM Orientation will be held in-person the day before classes begin on Sunday, August 25th. Time and location will be shared at a later date and communicated by your RC.
PNM Orientation will help PNMs get familiar with the process, participate in educational programming, and prepare for recruitment. PNM Orientation should not take attention away from classes.
The Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement, also known as the MRABA, is a document that is completed after the final round (Preference Round) of recruitment. For Sets I, II, and III PNMs are required to list every chapter they visited that day when making selections. Leaving chapters off is not an option. PNMs will create this list by ranking chapters from the one they would most like to return to, to the one they would least like to return to.
A PNM should only list the chapters she would accept a bid from on her MRABA. By completing and signing the MRABA she is stating that if she receives a bid from any of the organizations listed she would accept it, and that she understands if she receives a bid but then declines it she is not eligible to join a sorority until the next Primary Recruitment period, which for the University of Arizona would be Fall 2025.
Once submitted the MRABA cannot be changed or edited. Before completing the MRABA, each PNM will be given the chance to read, review, and ask questions no fewer than 3 times. This subject will be covered during PNM Orientation, Parent and Family Orientation, and in meetings with your RC.
You can view the National Panhellenic Conference MRABA video for more information.
Our Chapters
The University of Arizona Panhellenic Council is made up of 13 chapters, ALL which participate in the Primary Recruitment process. One chapter is an associate chapter, which means they are under the Panhellenic Council at The University of Arizona, however, nationally it is not one of the 26 organizations under the National Panhellenic Conference.
To get to know all our amazing chapters a little better, we recommend following @ArizonaPanhellenic on Instagram, as well as the chapters themselves, listed below.
See a list of all the chapters in the University of Arizona Greek Community. To learn more about individual chapters, visit their websites by clicking on their name.
The University of Arizona is committed to fostering a learning, working, and living environment free from all forms of discrimination, including harassment. The University’s Nondiscrimination and Anti-harassment Policy prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information. Fraternities and sororities do not discriminate in membership selection practices on any basis prohibited by law or policy, except for the exemption on the basis of sex granted under Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972 for social fraternities/sororities.
The Panhellenic Council works to make recruitment as inclusive and accessible. If you have questions regarding inclusion, access, or need to request any disability-related accommodations that will facilitate your full participation in any of the above-mentioned programs or events such as ASL interpreting, captioned videos, Braille or electronic text, etc. please contact the Panhellenic Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion by emailing uapanhellenic.inclusion@gmail.com.
Parent and Family Information
Why should my student join a Greek organization?
At the University of Arizona, we take great pride in our Greek organizations and all that they stand for. College can be so much more than just classes and homework; it is also a time for growth and development. Greek Life can foster the education of the whole person. Having your student be a part of a Greek organization means several things, including long-lasting friendships, improved academics, leadership development, campus involvement, community service, and so much more.
Parent/Family Orientation
This meeting will be held in August before the Fall 2024 Primary Recruitment!
At this meeting, families will receive information about Primary Recruitment week events and a general overview of fraternity/sorority life. Families will also learn how members obtain scholastic support, gain community and volunteer experience, establish networking relationships with alumni, and develop close friendships with chapter members and those in other Greek organizations. You will have the opportunity to ask questions of other parents, Council Executive Board Officers, and UArizona Staff. In the meantime, before our virtual informational meeting, you can check out the video with general information about joining Greek life.