Social Events Policy

As student groups with adequate insurance coverage, Fraternities and Sororities are afforded the privilege of hosting social events. With this privilege comes expectations regarding ensuring the safety and welfare of those in attendance. All members are expected to know and abide by all applicable state and federal laws and University policies and procedures, including but not limited to the Social Events Policy. Students are responsible for their own behavior; however, if alcohol is a part of an event, student organizers and sponsors must undertake efforts to provide a safe environment for the attendees.


Policy & Procedure

All social events need to be registered and hosted in accordance with the Fraternity and Sorority Programs Social Events Policy and the inter/national policies of each fraternity or sorority.

Spring 2025 Resources

Required Trainings

Fraternities and sororities that plan to register/host social events are required to participate in the following training session(s) before any paperwork can be submitted/events registered. Any costs associated with trainings are the responsibility of the chapter. You can find a "At-A-Glance" training resource here.

  • Social Events Training: required for President, Social Chair, Risk Manager
    • Paperwork Training and Faiclity Walk-Throughs
    • Required for all chapters planning to register/host a social event (regardless of event location, presence of alcohol, and/or council)
    • If your chapter has an officer responsible for completing social event paperwork, it is recommended they attend as well.
    • Time and location details are sent directly to officers.
  • Alcohol Education and Risk Mitigation Headquarters Training
    • Required for all chapters planning to register/host a social event (regardless of event location, presence of alcohol, and/or council)
    • Chapter leadership must work with their organization executive office to coordinate an Alcohol Education and Risk Mitigation training for the chapter.
    • Training required audience:
      • Fall: new members, at minimum.
      • Spring: entire chapter.
    • Once completed, headquarters staff must submit the proof of completion form following the directions stated.
  • TiPS University Training
    • TiPS University is a 2-hour program tailored for students at universities and colleges. This programs works to give students the skills they need to intervene with their peers in social situations and prevent alcohol-related incidents.
    • Required for Interfraternity Council (IFC) chapter's who wish to register events at their recognized chapter facility.
    • Eight (8) members must complete the TiPS University Training and submit their proof of completion


Paperwork for all social events, regardless of the location and/or presence of alcohol, must be submitted by 12:00 p.m. (noon) at minimum 10 business days in advance of the event. The registration form is due in the FSP office and must be time-stamped.  Incomplete paperwork will not be reviewed. Guest lists are due within three (3) business days of the event. If this deadline is not met, no social events will be registered regardless of location.

Best Practices

The best practices set forth here will benefit an organization who is conducting a social event. Nothing precludes chapters from adopting practices that are more stringent than those set forth herein.

Misc. Resources