The University of Arizona is home to 23 national sororities/women’s fraternities.
The question is which one is right for you?
All chapters at the UA belong to a governing council. Both the United Sorority & Fraternity Council and the Panhellenic Council are home to sororities and offer different experiences.
United Sorority & Fraternity Council Sororities
The United Sorority & Fraternity Council (USFC) represents 10 identity based sororities and 6 identity based fraternities including historically Black fraternities and sororities.

Why join a USFC chapter?
The bonds. USFC sororities are smaller, tight knit, family-like organizations. Not only are sorority members close with one another they are close with other USFC sororities and fraternities at the UA and also across the country
Service to the local community. USFC sororities are committed to hands on service to the community and often serve underrepresented communities right here in Tucson!
The experience. USFC sororities are identity based meaning they were founded to celebrate a culture such as Asian, Latinx, LBGTQ+, African American, Native American, or multicultural. This does not mean you must be of a specific identity to join- to the contrary! - those with an appreciation for the culture are certainly welcomed.
Lower cost. USFC dues are affordable and council recruitment events are totally free!
Most, not all, USFC sororities allow only those with an established college GPA to pursue membership meaning you are not able to join your first semester. The recommended minimum GPA to join a USFC sorority is a 2.5 cumulative from college; however, many require a 2.75 cumulative college GPA. All USFC sororities will expect applicants to have ample documented community service hours, community involvement, and campus leadership. Please contact individual sororities for their specific qualifications.
Are you interested in joining one of the Member Organizations of the United Sorority & Fraternity Council? USFC is excited to present USFC Week during the second week of classes of the Fall 2023 semester. You will have the opportunity to learn about any organizations you are interested in and get to know the members and chapter's unique recruitment/intake process.
A schedule of events will be published soon. If you have any questions, please reach out to the USFC President, Edgardo Aguilar, at
Fall 2023 USFC Week Schedule
Joining opportunities
The United Sorority and Fraternity Council will host council wide events for you to meet the chapters. Visit the USFC website for event information.
The processes for joining a USFC sorority vary by organization. The best way to learn about that process is by visiting the national website of the sorority/ies you are interested in or asking a member of the chapter.
Visit USFC sororities tabling on the mall at the beginning of each semester.
Explore the national and local websites of each sorority.
Attend campus programs put on by individual chapters.
Learn more about the philanthropy and service focus of each organization.
Who are the USFC sororities?
see the listing of the sororities and links for chapter websites.
Follow us on Instagram for more information @uausfc
Panhellenic Council Sororities
The Panhellenic Council (Panhellenic) represents 13 sororities, 12 of which belong to the National Panhellenic Conference.

Why join a Panhellenic chapter?
- The bonds. Panhellenic chapters are large organizations ranging from 150-340 women per organization. Sisters often form close knit relationships with their Big (an upperclassmen mentor) and within their own new member class.
- Philanthropy for the global community. Panhellenic sororities are committed to various national/global organizations and each chapter raises thousands of dollars each semester for their philanthropy.
- The experience. Panhellenic sororities place a large amount of importance on academics, leadership, and campus involvement. Chapters also have a variety of social and recreational activities such as formals, theme parties, and fun philanthropic events. Most Panhellenic sororities have a chapter facility (house) however the vast majority of members do not live in. Organizations without housing have an equally fulfilling experience utilizing campus and Tucson locations for dinners, meetings, and social events.
The Panhellenic Council encourages women going through the formal recruitment process have a minimum a 3.0 Core GPA from high school or a 2.75 college GPA if you have 12+ college units. Each sorority must follow their own national academic standards and will not accept women below the individual standard. All Panhellenic sororities will expect applicants to have community service experiences, community involvement, and high school/campus leadership.
Joining opportunities
The primary way women join a Panhellenic sorority is through Fall recruitment. Recruitment will be fully structured and completely in person. Women will meet every chapter and learn what each has to offer. As the process continues, women attend fewer, yet longer events. At the end of the process, women will make a final decision by selecting the Panhellenic sorority that is right for them. Learn more about joining a Panhellenic sorority here.
2024 Primary Recruitment Schedule
The Panhellenic Council is excited to announce the dates and format of Fall Primary Recruitment!
- PNM Orientation – Sunday, August 25th
- Set I* – Open House – Monday, August 26th – Tuesday, August 27th - watch informational videos of all sororities on campus.
- Set II – Philanthropy – Friday, August 30th (Half Day) – Saturday, August 31st (Full Day) - visit up to 10 Panhellenic organizations between the two dates.
- Set III – Sisterhood - Sunday, September 1st (Half Day) – Monday, September 2nd (Labor Day) - visit up to 6 Panhellenic organizations.
- Set IV – Preference – Saturday, September 7th - visit up to 2 Panhellenic organizations.
- Bid Day – Sunday, September 8th - potentially receive a bid and attend a celebratory event with your new chapter.
* Virtual Events: Set I will take place through the Desire 2 Learn (D2L) platform.
Who are the Panhellenic sororities?
Click here for a listing and links for chapter websites
Follow us on Instagram for more information @arizonapanhellenic
With questions about access or to request any disability-related accommodations that will facilitate your full participation in any of the above mentioned programs or events such as ASL interpreting, captioned videos, Braille or electronic text, etc. please contact: Fraternity and Sorority Programs at University of Arizona is committed to fostering a learning, working, and living environment free from all forms of discrimination, including harassment. The University’s Nondiscrimination and Anti-harassment Policy prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information. Fraternities and sororities do not discriminate in membership selection practices on any basis prohibited by law or policy, except for the exemption on the basis of sex granted under Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972 for social fraternities/sororities.