Our Community

Joining a fraternity or sorority doesn’t just shape your college experience, it shapes your life. Because of this lifelong commitment, it is important that you do research and join the organization that is right for you. Below you will find links to each of our organization’s individual website, either their national or local chapter. Throughout this section of our website you will find information on the governing councils that our chapters belong to, cost of membership, housing opportunities/requirements, academic performance, judicial standings, and more.
Community Instagram Council Cultural Affiliation Religious Affiliation Chapter House
@azalphachi PC Yes
@azadpi PC Yes
@aephiarizona PC Yes
@agr_arizona IFC Yes
@itgirlsinpearls USFC African American No
@az_alphaphi PC Yes
@aphig_ua USFC Asian/Pacific Islander No
@azalphasigma PC No
@arizona_beta IFC No
@azchiomega PC Yes
@azdeltachi IFC Yes
@az_deltagamma PC Yes
@az_dke IFC Yes
@dlpomega USFC LGBTQ+ No
@deltasigmaphiaz IFC No
@muetachapterdst USFC African American No
@wildcatgammas USFC Multicultural No
@arizonagammaphi PC Yes
@grlatua USFC LGBTQ+ No
@az_kappaalpha IFC Yes
@deltaomicronnupes USFC African American No
@aztheta PC Yes
@arizonakdchi USFC Latinx No
@az_kkg PC Yes
@uakappasigma IFC Yes
@joarau_lsu USFC Latinx No
@lta_epsilonkappa USFC Latinx No
@ualambdas USFC Latinx No
@odphiuofa USFC Multicultural No
@alphaepsilonques USFC African American No
@uofa_sigmas USFC African American No
@uaphidelt IFC Yes
@uafiji IFC Yes
@phisigmarhoarizona PC No
@az_pibetaphi PC Yes
@ua_sae IFC No
@ua_sammy IFC Jewish Yes
@az_sigmachi IFC Yes
@nuupsilon USFC African American No
@sigmakappa_az PC Yes
@korruptbetas USFC Latinx No
@ua.slg USFC Multicultural No
@uasigmanu IFC Yes
@az_sigep IFC Yes
@uasigtau IFC Yes
@tke_arizona IFC Yes
@uatdx IFC Yes
@uathetaxi IFC Yes
@ua_zbt IFC Yes
@pixi_zetas USFC African American No
@uazetapsi IFC Yes