Raven Wilson
PRESIDENT | Email: arizonausfc.president@gmail.com |
Raven (she/her) oversees the entire Executive Board, serves as the voice of USFC on fraternal, university, and community issues, and is the main point of contact for all issues related to the United Sorority & Fraternity Council.
Perla Alcaraz
VP ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT | Email: arizonausfc.vpacademics@gmail.com |
Perla (she/her/ella) is the main point of contact in ensuring the promotion of academic achievement and works to coordinate educational programs for USFC.
Emma Goellner
VP FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION | Email: arizonausfc.vpfinance@gmail.com |
Emma (she/her) is responsible for all financial aspects related to USFC including fundraising, budgeting, issuing and collection of dues, and other outstanding payments to the council. Also, she is responsible for all official correspondence of the council, keeping an impartial record of USFC proceedings, and the yearly Constitution and Bylaw review.
Lucas Contreras
VP COMMUNITY SERVICE & PHILANTHROPY | Email: arizonausfc.vpservice@gmail.com |
Lucas (he/him) is in charge of council wide community service and philanthropic programming, informing chapters of service opportunities, and giving recognition to chapters and individuals for outstanding service achievements.
Amaya Nunez
VP LEADERSHIP & RISK REDUCUTION MANAGEMENT | Email: arizonausfc.vpleadership@gmail.com |
Amaya (she/her/ella) is responsible for all programing as it relates to leadership development, training to improve skills for chapter leaders, and provide chapters with written information on trends, legal updates, officer responsibilities, or risk reduction management issues.
Sage Early
VP MEMBERSHIP INTAKE & PUBLIC RELATIONS | Email: arizonausfc.vpmembership@gmail.com |
Sage (he/they) is responsible for recruitment related programming and marketing as well as all overseeing the USFC website, social media, and any publications by the council including any promotional materials for the council.