It is important to make an informed decision when joining an Interfraternity Council (IFC) organization. Review the information provided on each of these pages to make an educated choice about which fraternity might be right for you! For Recruitment-related questions, please email azifcrecruitment@gmail.com.
Chapter Conduct & Judicial Status
Learn More About Our Community in The Bond

IFC Spring 2025 Recruitment Registration
All potential new members (PNM) must register to participate in the IFC spring 2025 recruitment. Registration will open on December 1, 2025, and end the day before PNM orientation. The priority registration fee is $100.00.
Click here to register!
Recruitment Schedule
Wednesday, January 29th | PNM Orientation & Healthy Brotherhood program (PNMs Only)
Thursday, January 30th | Day 1 Chapter Open House
Friday, January 31st | Day 2 Chapter Open House
Saturday, February 1st | Day 3 Chapter Open House
Sunday, February 2nd | Day 4 Chapter Open House
Monday, February 3rd | Preference (Invite Only) - Visit up to 2 fraternities
Tuesday, February 4th | Bid Day
Chapter Conduct & Judicial Status
Fraternity & Sorority Programs publishes information regarding the conduct and sanctioning of current or past fraternities and sororities. Unfortunately, some fraternities/sororities engage in behaviors inconsistent with the expectations and policies of the institution and/or national organization. The University of Arizona urges students and their family members to learn more about groups currently functioning without university recognition. Those with concerns regarding activities of these organizations should contact the Dean of Students Office. If you have questions please contact our office or the Dean of Students.
Chapter GPA Requirements
Requirements vary from chapter to chapter, but a general recommendation is a 2.75 core high school GPA for those coming straight from high school and a 2.5 minimum college GPA for those who have at least 12 units taken toward a college GPA. While there is no required GPA to participate in recruitment, IFC strongly recommends a PNM to meet or exceed the general recommended GPA. Core high school GPA will be verified from grades 9–11. Find more information about the ABOR core competency requirements here.
If there is a significant increase in core GPA in grade 12, you may submit updates with an official transcript directly to azifcrecruitment@gmail.com.
Financial Information
The financial breakdown of each chapter is located on the Costs of Membership webpage.
Once recruitment registration is completed, PNMs may receive an updated and detailed spreadsheet. The Interfraternity Council is not able to answer chapter specific questions about finances. If you, or your student, receives a bill that is more than 10% different than the amount listed, please contact the Interfraternity Council immediately at azifcrecruitment@gmail.com.
Support Information
Why should my student join a Greek organization?
At the University of Arizona, we take great pride in our Greek organizations and all that they stand for. College can be so much more than just classes and homework; it is also a time for growth and development. Greek Life can foster the education of the whole person. Having your student be a part of a Greek organization means several things, including long-lasting friendships, academics, leadership opportunities, philanthropic efforts, campus involvement, and community service. Check out this Greek Parent Orientation Video.
Parent & Family Informational Meeting PowerPoint Deck Slide
For Recruitment-related questions, please email azifcrecruitment@gmail.com