General Questions
If you are interested in sharing information with the Greek community please email Distribution of material is never guaranteed.
The following is a list of suggestions that may ease your student’s transition to fraternity/sorority membership:
- Be happy and supportive with your student’s choice to join a fraternity or sorority and the organization they choose.
- Remember that this is your student’s choice, and they should choose the chapter that feels right, regardless of legacies or family history!
- If you have a question about fraternity or sorority life, go to the source and ask the staff. Don’t buy into gossip or hearsay.
- Know the names and phone numbers of the chapter president, new member educator, big brother/big sister, chapter advisor, and house director (if applicable).
- Ask for details about the financial aspects of membership. Each chapter governs its finances individually. Many one-time fees are paid in the first semester, so expect the first semester to be the most expensive.
- Initiation is an important time for the new initiates. Be supportive and respectful of this time for your student. New member programs can range from 1 day to a semester long. However, most programs are 6-8 weeks. Initiation dates should be made public to the new members, so please ask your student when initiation will occur.
- Talk with your student! Phone calls, texts, e-mails, letters and care packages are always appreciated but don't get upset if they don't respond right away. They're going to be busy!
- Attend U of A Family Weekend
- Expect to see new t-shirts, photos, and other Greek paraphernalia.
- Encourage your student to be a part of the U of A community, take advantage of our numerous resources, and get involved within the wider greek community.
Check out our Parent and Family Resources!
Each fraternity and sorority manages their own finances internally. Fraternity and Sorority Programs has no part in any part of the chapter dues process. We strongly encourage studnets to have open conversations with their parents/families about chapter dues and who will be paying for what. We also encourage studnets to ask questions about dues and payment processes during recruitment/intake evcents. FSP works with chapters each spring to collect information on chapter dues and if payment plans are offered. Visit for more information. If the number listed is different by more than 5% of what you are asked to pay please contact Fraternity and Sorority Programs.
Once a student joins, they should be given information about how much dues will be each semester, what dues go towards, how to pay, etc. Most have some sort of online billing system such as Billhighway, OmegaFi, Greek Bill, or LegFi. Venmo or similar platforms are not appropriate for dues collection. Many organizations have policies prohibiting students leaders (presidents/treasurers) to discuss a members finances with anyone but the student themselves. If you have questions you will want your student to talk to the chapter treasurer directly.
If you have concerns about the chapters dues or collection process, those should be share with the chapter advisor or the organization's headquarters.
Upon joiningm, your student should be provided with contact information for chapter officers and chapter advisors. Fraternity and Sorority Programs does not give our specific student information (for example, president or treasurer name, email, phone number ect.). If you need to get in contact with a specific chapter please contact us or if you are a family member please ask your student!
The phrase “it’s all Greek to me” is a cliché for a reason, and it definitely applies to the fraternity and sorority experience. To help you get familiar with this new part of your student’s life, we have included a copy of the Greek alphabet and some information on what the next four years will look like for your student.

During your student’s time in their chapter, they will be expected to attend weekly meetings, participate in philanthropy and community service events, keep their GPAs up, and engage in leadership development opportunities within the community. They will be busy, but they also will be provided with resources to be successful.
To help ensure your student's positive experience within our fraternity and sorority community, here are three things you can consider doing once your student joins:
1. Contact Information: Request and obtain the contact information of the chapter president and new member educator. Please note that university staff cannot share student contact information without consent. This is why your student must provide it to you. These leaders play a pivotal role in guaranteeing that new members have a fun, safe, and memorable experience.
2. New Member/Pledge Period: Inquire about the duration of the new member/pledge period. This period can vary significantly, ranging from 48 hours to 8 weeks. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the schedule of new member meetings and events to stay informed about your Wildcat’s involvement.
3. Regular Check-Ins: Maintain an open line of communication with your Wildcat. Regularly check in with them to learn about their activities within their fraternity or sorority and inquire about what they are doing. The only thing that is a secret during their time in a Greek organization is the chapter’s ritual. When you and your student chat, be sure to ask questions! You might not understand what they are doing, but that’s okay. Showing interest and support is most important.
Learning the ins and outs of being in a fraternity or sorority takes time. If you find your student has started speaking an entirely new language, take a look at these commonly used Greek terms and phrases and see if you can catch up. But if not, don’t worry. The most important thing to your student is that you support them.
Questions About Joining
You're very close! Check out our How to Join section of this website.
The best chapter will be the best chapter for your student. We do encourage students and families to view the Judicial History, Standards of Excellence results and Grade Summaries to determine the best organization to join. Also, sit down with your student and go over The Bond and our How to Join section.
Within The Bond you will also see a key regarding Access and Participation. This may help your student find their best fit.
No student is ever guaranteed a bid or an invitation for membership in a fraternity or sorority. Each organization has membership standards that they are required to uphold. These can include but are not limited to GPA requirements, current/past involvement requirements, or current /past community service involvement. We encourage you to talk with your student about other university involvement opportunities whether they receive an invitation to join or not.
Questions about Health & Safety
- For concerns about a specific student please contact us so we can find the best course of action to help.
- For concerns about a specific fraternity or sorority's conduct please File a Complaint or for general concerns please contact us.
The University of Arizona recognizes that the use of alcoholic beverages by those of legal age is a matter of personal choice. The University requires that those who choose to drink on University property abide by state law and University regulations, and expects that such individuals will conduct themselves responsibly, mindful of the rights of others.
Student, parents, and family members should know that UA is a tobacco free campus and also does not allow for the use of marijuana, including medical marijuana. These policy include chapter facilities.
The UA seeks to promote a safe environment in which students may participate without compromising their health, safety or welfare. Under this guideline and per Arizona State Law, hazing is not permitted at the institution. For more information on hazing, the definition of hazing, warnings signs and alternative to hazing please visit our hazing prevention section.
When hazing is reported it often comes from a parent. All hazing incidents will be investigated and if found to be truthful will be adjudicated however the following information will help insure that campus organizations, including but not limited to fraternities and sororities, can be appropriatly held accountable.
If you choose to report without any this information in an effort of anonymity for yourself and/or your student unfortunately there is often not much the university can do as it cannot be traced to a specific organization or group.
- The name of the organization
- The name of specific individuals within that organizations
- Dates, locations, times-- if you aren't sure get a description of the location.
- Pictures, videos, text messages ect.
Fraternities and sororities receive health and safety education from their headquarters, the university, and peer education. Each chapter has an officer dedicated to risk mitigation and health/wellness. These officers are trained on reporting processes, ways to proactively avoid risk, mental health support, healthy eating, and more.
Each semester chapter's are required to have one person enroll in Health and Wellness in Greek Life. This program teaches students vital health information that they then take back to their chapter to educate members. The content of this class is updated annually to ensure it is meeting the needs of today's college students.
In an effort to support students hosting safe and fun events, FSP has curated strong partnerships with our chapters, UAPD, University Risk Management, organization headquarters and more.
Fraternity & Sorority Programs has a Social Events Policy that all recognized fraternities and sororities must follow. Before any chapter’s social events are registered, they must complete several training requirements each semester. Details on the training requirements can be found on the social events policy webpage.
One training requirement is a risk mitigation and alcohol education presentation given by a headquarters staff member or volunteer. These trainings allow organizations to work with their headquarters to get the specific training they need.
To be registered all events must have non-drinking event monitors, state licensed security, and endorsement from their advisors.
If you have additional questions you do not see answered here or anywhere else on our website, you can contact