A strong Fraternity and Sorority community reinforces the University’s strength.
For decades, members of our community have made a commitment to our campus with their stewardship of the institution. Greek Alumni and students dedicate a large amount of time, energy, and financial support to The University of Arizona. The UA Greek community continues to be a leader in the fraternal world and has developed a proactive cutting edge program for our community. Students entering our community will experience the Arizona Legacy Program, which addresses key areas:
Academics, Leadership Development, Health & Wellness, and Advisory Support.
Fraternity and Sorority members are scholars. The Aristotle programmatic area provides academic support at the individual, officer, and chapter levels.

Available experiences:
- Greek Academy, a 5-week academic skill building course for Fraternity and Sorority members to assist students in raising their GPA and improving their academic confidence
- Academics on Demand, if a chapter can dream it we can do it, often in partnership with Think Tank
- Academics 101, a semesterly training for all chapter Academic officers covering university academic resources
The Parthenon
Fraternity and sorority members are leaders. The Parthenon programmatic area is a leadership curriculum designed to prepare UA Greek students for impact our global society.

Available experiences:
- Courses for credit, academic classes which serve to provide education on peer facilitation & critical issues in Greek life
- Great Greek Weekend, a weekend retreat for emerging leaders in the UA Greek community
- Annual Greek Alumni Speaker Series
- Officer and Advisor trainings
- Assistance for members to attend national and local conferences focused on leadership development and organizational management
- Leadership on Demand, if a chapter can dream it we can do it
The Olympian
Fraternity and sorority members embrace a healthy life style. Designed and delivered by Fraternity & Sorority Programs together with UA's award winning Campus Health Services and primarily funded by the Hunter White Foundation, The Olympian programmatic area seeks to provide education and intervention to promote health and wellness in the fraternity and sorority community.

Available experiences:
- The Hunter White Health Advocate Program, funded by the Hunter White Foundation this peer based program empowers individual responsibility and advances the creation of a healthy community by embracing healthy life choices through the education of a Health Advocate for each of the UA fraternities and sororities
- Courses for credit, academic classes which serve to provide education on sexual assault prevention & peer facilitation around health and wellness
- AlcoholEDU and Have, these 2 part, online educational programs address alcohol use and sexual assault prevention
- Health and Wellness on Demand, if a chapter can dream it we can do it, often in partnership with Campus Health or the Women's Resource Center Sexual Violence Prevention Team
The Oracle
Fraternity and sorority membership is lifelong. The Oracle programmatic area seeks to promote lifelong membership, advisory support, and connection to the university and member's fraternal experience.

Available experiences:
- Oracle Board, a system-wide advisory board of fraternity and sorority alumni that supports the Greek community’s mission and chapter achievement
- Chapter advisor and House Corporation meetings and trainings
- Greek Student/Alumni Relations Council (GSARC), a student organization which promotes the Oracle experience
- Greek Senior Send Off, hosted by GSARC this event is a celebration of graduating members and an introduction to involved alumni life