The following is a list of suggestions that may ease your student’s transition to fraternity/sorority membership:
- Be happy and supportive with your student’s choice to join a fraternity or sorority and the organization he/she chooses.
- Remember that this is your student’s choice, and he/she should choose the chapter that feels right, regardless of legacies or family history!
- If you have a question about fraternity or sorority life, go to the source and ask the staff. Don’t buy into gossip or hearsay.
- Know the names and phone numbers of the chapter president, new member educator, big brother/big sister, chapter advisor, and house director (if applicable).
- Ask for details about the financial aspects of membership. Each chapter governs its finances individually. Many one-time fees are paid in the first semester, so expect the first semester to be the most expensive.
- Initiation is an important time for the new initiates. Be supportive and respectful of this time for your student. New member programs can range from 1 day to a semester long. However, most programs are 6-8 weeks. Initiation dates should be made public to the new members, so please ask your student when initiation will occur.
- Talk with your student! Phone calls, texts, e-mails, letters and care packages are always appreciated but don't get upset if they don't respond right away. They're going to be busy!
- Attend U of A Family Weekend in October
- Expect to see new t-shirts, photos, and other Greek paraphernalia.
- Encourage your student to be a part of the U of A community, take advantage of our numerous resources, and get involved within the wider greek community.
The best chapter will be the best chapter for your student. We do encourage students and families to view the Judicial History, Standards of Excellence results and Grade Summaries to determine the best organization to join. Also, sit down with your student and go over The Bond and our How to Join section.
Within The Bond (page 6) you will also see a key regarding Access and Participation. This may help your student find their best fit.
Each fraternity and sorority manages their own finances internally. Most have some sort of online billing system such as Billhighway, OmegaFi, Greek Bill, or LegFi. Venmo or similar platforms are not appropriate for dues collection. If you have questions you will want your student to talk to the chapter treasurer directly. Check out our financial page for specific costs and if the chapter offers payment plans. If the number listed is different by more than 5% of what you are asked to pay please contact Fraternity and Sorority Programs.
The University of Arizona recognizes that the use of alcoholic beverages by those of legal age is a matter of personal choice. The University requires that those who choose to drink on University property abide by state law and University regulations, and expects that such individuals will conduct themselves responsibly, mindful of the rights of others.
Student, parents, and family members should know that UA is a tobacco free campus and also does not allow for the use of marijuana, including medical marijuana. These policy include chapter facilities.
The UA seeks to promote a safe environment in which students may participate without compromising their health, safety or welfare. Under this guideline and per Arizona State Law, hazing is not permitted at the institution. For more information on hazing, the definition of hazing, warnings signs and alternative to hazing please visit our hazing prevention section.
When hazing is reported it often comes from a parent. All hazing incidents will be investigated and if found to be truthful will be adjudicated however the following information will help insure that campus organizations, including but not limited to fraternities and sororities, can be appropriatly held accountable.
If you choose to report without any this information in an effort of anonymity for yourself and/or your student unfortunately there is often not much the university can do as it cannot be traced to a specific organization or group.
- The name of the organization
- The name of specific individuals within that organizations
- Dates, locations, times-- if you aren't sure get a description of the location.
- Pictures, videos, text messages ect.
Fraternity and Sorority Programs has a strong partnership with the Women’s Resource Center to provide education for all members on sexual assault prevention using a four-tiered prevention approach which address topics such as consent education, rape culture disruption, and bystander intervention. In addition, greek students go through online modules covering sexual assualt prevetion in addition to the general UA student curriculum.
No student is ever guaranteed a bid or an invitation for membership in a fraternity or sorority. Each organization has membership standards that they are required to uphold. These can include but are not limited to GPA requirements, current/past involvement requirements, or current /past community service involvement. We encourage you to talk with your student about other university involvement opportunities whether they receive an invitation to join or not.